================================================================= UNLHA32.DLL Ver 1.70b Dec 23, 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Micco ================================================================= 1. Introduction Thank you for downloading UNLHA32.DLL. UNLHA32.DLL is a DLL (dynamic-link library) to process LZH archive files. You can store one or more files in an archive file in a compressed format, and also extract stored files to the specified directory. 2. Distribution file ULH3170B.EXE contains the following files: UNLHA32.DLL: DLL for compressing and extracting files. UNLHA32.H: The header file for using UNLHA32.DLL. UNLHA32.LIB: The import library for compiling with BC++. UNLHAVC.LIB: The import library for compiling with VC++. DELREG.EXE: The program used for the uninstallation of UNLHA32.DLL. UNLHA32.INF: The file used for the installation of UNLHA32.DLL. UNLHA32.TXT: Description of the software. [*] UNLHA32E.TXT: This file. API.TXT: Description of UNLHA32 APIs. [*] NOTE.TXT: The complement explanation for APIs. [*] COMMAND.TXT: Description of the command for Unlha() API. [*] NOTE.TXT: The complement explanation for command. [*] HEADER.TXT: Description of the specifications of the LZH archive file. [*] WINMES.TXT: Description of the Windows Message which UNLHA32.DLL uses. [*] ENUMAPI.TXT: Description of the UnlhaSetEnumMembersProc() API and so on. [*] INFCOM.TXT: Description of the setup file which WinSFX32M (self- extracting module) uses. [*] HISTORY.TXT: Update information. [*] *: Written in Japanese. 3. Distribution policy These software and documents are copyright-reserved free program. You can use, copy, and distribute this software with free charge under the following conditions: 1: Never change copyright statement. 2: Never change any programs and documents. 3: The author is not liable to any damage caused by the use of these programs. 4: The author has no duty to remedy to the deficiencies of these programs. 5: When you distribute this software with publications, or with your product, you must print copyright statement on manuals, documents, and so on. 6: You must distribute UNLHA32.DLL with at least UNLHA32.TXT. 4. How to contact the author. Please send e-mail to the author. However, I'm afraid my reply may get late. My e-mail address is the following: GCH03345@nifty.ne.jp: Usually use this address. micco@po2.nsknet.or.jp: If you cannot send e-mail to above address, use this one. End of document...